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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2021

How to Use Your DAW to Improve Your Guitar Playing

Guitarists tend to get tunnel vision when practicing. You get a practice tone going, you start playing through some scales, some licks, some chord changes, and everything sounds good, right? Then you get into the practice room, or even worse the studio, and it all falls apart. Your tone sucks and you’re not able to “nail” things like you did at home. The best thing you can do for yourself is get a good cheap interface, learn how to use it (sites like KillerGuitarRigs.com have a ton of content on cheap interfaces and basic recording technique), and start practicing with your DAW. There are a ton of practical reasons for this, and ways to approach it, but here are some of the main benefits as well as some fun ways to enjoy your guitar with your DAW. Table of Contents Hear Yourself Get used to playing with a click Start Thinking About Production Learn Full Songs Conclusion Hear Yourself One of the most common reactions the first tim...

The Features That Your Car Stereo Needs

Five Easy Upgrades That Will Make Your Vehicle Sound Exceptional The only thing worse than being stuck in traffic is being stuck with less-than-ideal sound, and nothing beyond your normal playlists to pass the time. The good news is that in 2021 there are plenty of simple upgrades you can make to your current vehicle to give you professional sound quality, hands-free convenience, and plenty of audio entertainment options. With our list upgrades, you turn even the slowest commutes into a joy ride in your car, truck, or SUV. Here are the top five you should consider: #1 – Premium Speakers If you haven’t yet upgraded your speakers, you should definitely make this your first order of business. Factory speakers aren’t made to handle a ton of power and can sometimes be manufactured out of cheap materials such as paper or cardboard. A simple speaker upgrade will make a world of difference in sound quality and the amount of bass you can put out. There’s plenty of selection out there from t...